TFBN January 10th 2018 Event : Leadership, perspective d'un ancien leader de la Patrouille de France

01/10/2018 18:30 to 01/10/2018 21:00 (EST)

Toronto, Canada

Join us for an exceptional event with Lt Colonel Raphael Nal, former lead of Patrouille de France. The conference will be in French but the questions and the networking cocktail will be bilingual


Rejoignez-nous pour un événement exceptionnel avec le Lieutenant Colonel Raphael Nal qui donnera une présentation sur "Le leadership, la perspective d’un ancien leader de la Patrouille de France"

Pour accueillir notre conférencier nous vous invitons au Royal Canadian Military Institute, un lieu prestigieux et très privé regorgeant d'artefacts militaires. Ce sera l'occasion d'apprécier une conférence de qualité dans un lieu chargé d'histoire et accompagné d'un verre et de canapés.

Important : conférence en Français. Questions-réponses bilingues.

Le leadership, la perspective d’un ancien leader de la Patrouille de France

  • La Patrouille de France: ses missions, l'équipe.
  • La vie d'équipe: en quoi peut-elle dangereuse pour le groupe? lassitude, tensions peuvent mener à l'explosion du groupe et à l'échec de la mission.
  • Quelles sont les forces du groupe? présentation des qualities qui mènent à un groupe fort, à une équipe qui gagne.
  • Le leader? quelles sont les qualités du chef?


18h30 - 19h : Accueil et réseautage

19h - 20h : Conférence

20h - 21h : Cocktail réseautage

Un verre et des canapés sont inclus avec le ticket.

Tarif membres et partenaires disponibles, utilisez le code promo que vous avez reçu

Le Billet est au tarif réduit de $25 pour les membres TFBN. Vous pouvez aussi prendre un ticket combiné événement tarif membre ($25) + adhésion annuelle TFBN 2018 ($69) soit $94 et assister et voter à notre AG à 17h30.

DRESS CODE : Professionel formel, pas de jeans, chaussures de tennis, ou de vêtements avec message publicitaire

"Formal business attire is appropriate throughout the RCMI. Any Customer and/or guest(s) will be asked to
leave the facility if attire is not permitted including the following: faded, worn or torn jeans, sweatshirts or
suits, athletic shoes or casual beach sandals nor apparel with bold slogans or commercial messages. Refer to
the House Policy at for further details."

Location: Royal Canadian Military Institute, 426 University Ave, Toronto

TTC: St Patrick Station

Register for the event and/or renew your membership for 2018 to access members' rates


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Royal Canadian Military Institute
426 University Ave
    Toronto ON M5G 1S9


From 01/10/2018 18:30
To 01/10/2018 21:00



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Online registration required. Limited capacity

Join us and secure your ticket to our event.

While food and beverage companies are experienced innovators, the industry itself is facing considerable consumer, food safety and regulatory challenges. Advances in food and beverage science and technology, both in-sector and beyond, are presenting exciting opportunities but a step-change in innovation is needed if companies are to prosper.

Anyone new to innovation can learn more than a few lessons from the food and beverage industry. The industry knows how to innovate. At its best, it can be nimble, getting products to shelf in a much shorter time than other industries which can be held up by product trials and sector regulation.

- How does concept to market in less than a year sound?

- There is relatively little risk in trying a new flavour or version of a product, deploying the playfulness we associate with Willy Wonka's chocolate factory.

- For retailers selling own-brand products, there is even less risk – they can test the product in store and if sales are poor, then they can simply remove the product from the shelf. What is there to lose?

But the reality is that it’s a tough time to be a food or beverage manufacturer. Competition is high. Retailers have driven down prices. Profit margins are low.

How innovation will shape the food and beverage Industry. Join us to listen our great panel including


6:00-6:30pm: Registration

6:30-7:15pm: Panel

7:15-7:30pm: Mini pitches

7:30-9pm: Networking

Edouard POT - General Manager Puratos Canada

Alain LOCQUENEUX - General Manager Olivieri Foods Limited

Stephane BRUNEL - Plant Manager Mother Parkers Tea & Coffee